Charmed Chosen-Legacy Wiki

Whitelighters are angelic beings that serve as guides and protectors to good witches and future Whitelighters, who are employed by the Elders. One can become a Whitelighter after death when they are destined for it and when they have done enough good in their life. When a person refuses to become a Whitelighter, they go to the afterlife instead. When someone becomes a Whitelighter they can see their past lives.

Whitelighters are magically connected to their charges. They offer advice and guidance in the fight against evil, but are pacifists and are generally forbidden from using violence themselves. They have access to Memory Dust, which they can use to erase memories.

Darklighters are the evil counterpart and natural enemy to Whitelighters. Where Whitelighters provide guidance and protection, Darklighters spread pain and death. Darklighters use crossbows equipped with a special poison, which is deadly to Whitelighters if not healed in time.


Leo Wyatt was originally the Charmed Ones' Whitelighter for years, during which time he married Piper. When Leo became an Elder, a Whitelighter from the future, Chris Perry, took his place until his true identity and motivations were revealed. Paige Matthews later started accepting charges as well, thus becoming a Whitelighter in her own right. Mikelle became the Whitelighter to the Chosen, a coven of witches gathered to replace the retired Charmed Ones. After her death Mikelle was briefly replaced by Gretchen, who then chose to stop being the Whitelighter of the Chosen, because she didn't feel fit for the job.

In 2029 Noah was appointed Whitelighter to Phoebe's daughters, the following year it was decided to entrust him with all the children of the Charmed Ones, as Prue's death and Grace's conversion to evil had convinced the Elders that all the cousins needed guidance.

Powers and Abilities[]


Hovering and Orbing

Paige heals Piper

Paige healing Piper

Active Powers

  • Orbing: The ability to teleport through use of orbs.
  • Sensing: The ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them. Whitelighters have a telepathic and empathic connection to their charges, allowing them to sense when their charges are calling them or when they are hurt.
  • Cloaking: The ability to magically hide one's presence and activities from others. Whitelighters can hide their charges from the forces of evil.
  • Healing: The ability to heal the injuries of other beings. Whitelighters cannot heal the dead, evil beings or self-inflicted wounds.
  • Glamouring: The ability to assume the appearance of another person by creating a glamour around the body.
  • Hovering: The ability to rise off the ground and hover with or without the use of orbs.
  • Photokinesis: The ability to generate and control light and magical orbs.
  • Omnilingualism: The ability to understand and speak any language without prior knowledge. Whitelighters possess a limited form of this power, allowing them to speak the language of charges only when communicating with them.

Other Powers

  • Reconstitution: The ability to reform the body after it has been destroyed.
  • Immortality: The ability to possess a possibly infinite lifespan and an arrested aging process.

Notable Whitelighters[]


Chris telekinesis1

Chris, a whitelighter-witch


Whitelighter-Witches are the offspring of a witch and a Whitelighter. As hybrids, they can inherit powers and abilities from both species. Being born from two separate species, hybrids may also develop hybrid versions of magical powers. However, as generations go by, Whitelighter genes weaken, so Whitelighters-Witches from the second generation onwards can inherit fewer or none Whitelighter powers. This is due to Whitelighters being a primarily passive species, meaning even their genes are not dominant. These hybrids are somewhat rare, as the relationship between a witch and a Whitelighter was long forbidden. This rule was eventually broken by the Halliwell family and the Marks line of witches. These hybrids can be entrusted with charges like normal Whitelighters, however if they wish they can refuse to work as Whitelighters and simply do their duty as witches.

Notable Hybrids[]

Hybrid Powers[]

As the result of two separate species, hybrids sometimes develop unique hybrid versions of magical powers. The Halliwell family currently have the only known Whitelighter-Witches to have developed hybrid powers due to their Whitelighter side altering their wiccan power.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Demons-Witches are not entitled to a Whitelighter due to the potential evil in them.
  • While Whitelighters are allowed to see their past lives, Whitelighter-Witches who also work as Whitelighters do not have this privilege.
  • Although witches are forbidden to have love affairs with whitelighters, withelighter-witches are the most common hybrid species of witches.
  • This ban was probably put in place to maintain the objectivity of whitelighters and not decrease their productivity. For example, Leo Wyatt never called the Charmed Ones to order, even though innocents sometimes died because of their bad behavior. Relationships between whitelighters and elders are probably forbidden for the same reason.
  • The Whitelighters have existed before the witches, as the Elders entrusted them with the task of protecting the innocent, but it is unknown what they did before assisting the good witches in their duties.
  • Given that the members of the Trinity were once whitelighters it is implied that somehow whitelighters can become darklighters if they become evil. This also applies to hybrids, because whitelighter-witches can become darklighter-witches.

